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Scheduled Party Traditional
Cush.BAR, 37, Ekzarh Yosif, Oborishte, Sofia City, Sofia-City, 1000, Bulgaria
101 KABA GAIDI (bagpipes) and Zlatina Uzunova
We plan to meet March 3rd more than traditional – loud and with lots of brandy and pickles. Honorary guests will be three bagpipers from 101 KABA GAIDI (bagpipes) and Zlatina Uzunova – solist of the Great Voices of Bulgaria and Ensemble “Rodopa” Smolyan.
After we enjoy the sound of the Rhodope songs and the sound of the bagpipe that makes us shudder, we will continue with emblematic Bulgarian music from the past and the present.
Start: 21:30 ч.
Free entry