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Scheduled Exhibitions
Кафе-галерия Synthesis, 57, bul. Vasil Levski, Centre, Sredec, Sofia City, Sofia-City, 1700, Bulgaria
Bonnie Bonev’s “Touch” Photography Exhibition. Wedding photography, but not quite.
We invite you to the opening of the exhibition: 13.02.2018г. from 19.00 – opening and conversation with Bonnie Bonev with technical and psychological dissection of each frame.
The exhibition can be seen until 05 March 2018. in the PhotoSyncision Art Center coffee shop.
About the author:
Bonnie Bonev has been commercially engaged in photography since 1991, and actively with the wedding photography since 2004. In 2009 he made his first exhibition in this genre, followed by several more. She is a member of the World WPJA Wedding Photojournalism Organization and has won many international awards. Co-author of the first Bulgarian online photographic tutorial “How to make better photos with a digital camera”, as well as the photographic book “On Focus”.