Category Archives: Party

101 Bagpipes and Zlatina Uzunova | Cush.Bar | March 3

101 Bagpipes and Zlatina Uzunova | Cush.Bar | March 3

101 KABA GAIDI (bagpipes) and Zlatina Uzunova We plan to meet March 3rd more than traditional – loud and with lots of brandy and pickles. Honorary guests will be three bagpipers from 101 KABA GAIDI (bagpipes) and Zlatina Uzunova – solist of the Great Voices

Loveflakes* at Switch

Loveflakes* at Switch

Are you single? Or an album… February 14th. Emil Prize (Camp Sessions) will play a more gentle and jaded dnb selection (at least early in the evening). There will be no candles and hearts, but we hope to shoot some love snowflakes so that we